Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vitamix Blender

Sunday - 9.30.12

I have been waiting weeks to write about this and now that the urge to live next to the toilet is letting up, I finally can! My amazing hubby got me my anniversary gift a little early, only for the mere fact that I'm carrying his offspring. I have been wanting a Vitamix for some time now, well pretty much as soon as I knew I was prego. My mother has had her machine for 10 years! Yes same machine still going strong after 10 years, these things are indestructible!

I have never been so excited about a blender or any household item for that fact. I skipped and sang the whole way from the cash register to the house, well I guess while I was in the car I wasn't skipping as it's impossible but I was as wiggly as my toddler! I did my research and Costco is by far the best place to buy it, because let's face it, on the 1:10000000000000000000000000000000 chance I didn't like it, I could return it no questions asked. So I waited, very patiently, for the next road show to come around (Vitamix roadshow schedule) and drug my poor hubby to Costco. We stood in front of the booth for a hour as Mike the Vitamix host sold my hubby on how badly I needed this blender.

What sold my hubby the most? Not that it made perfect margaritas with a whole lime (yes peel and all), not that it makes real fruit smoothies, or cold coffee drinks, or hot soup, or ice cream, no what sold him is it can make baby food from real fruit & veggies at home and save him money in the long run! I knew I had a great catch when baby food was the selling point, I mean I knew two years ago when I married him he was a keeper, but now my decision was shining gold. So $500 later we were bring my new pretty red Vitamix blender home and I was skipping!

The Mad Hatter carrying our precious cargo to the car!

So what have I made with it since I birthed it from the wrapping? So glad you ask because it's been amazing! I made broccoli cheddar soup the first night, I've made more spinach smoothies for after-school snack then Jamba Juice, ice coffee... so amazing, my hubby even made ice coffee from chocolate covered espresso beans, perfectly blended! Now that I'm starting to feel like a normal human bean again I plan on doing much more!


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday's Fave #4

Friday - 9.28.12

Friday's are for my favorite blogging things. This includes 1. my favorite blog this week, 2. my favorite post I read this week, 3. a feature from one of the Blog Hops I follow, 4. a description of one of the blogging directories I'm a part of and 5. a tip on one of the ad companies I use.

#1. My Favorite Blog

Christine has a lot on her plate with three kids including twin toddlers! I love following her though because she really keeps it real. Being a mom of two with my third on the way I love to see how other deal with their own mayhem, she seems to be doing something right. With love, compassion, fun and chaos Moore Organized Mayhem will have you laughing and crying in the sweet, down home kinda way.

#2. My Favorite Post

So apparently my theme today is mom's. This mom is also a woman of chaos with 5 little bits running around, with all that action she has plenty of funny things to write about. This post really put into prospective the the good, the bad and the ugly of being a mom, but as always it will have you laughing your cute little booty patooty off!

#3. Blog Hops & The Featured

This popular hop is hosted on Fridays and gets packed up quick! They link everything too, your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and even YouTube! They have many opportunities to be co-host as well. So what are you waiting for? Be apart of the Friday Chaos today!

 #4. Blog Directory

Moms Do It Better is Facebook for the mom blog community! You get to have profile, people can like you and chat with other moms online. It's makes networking with other mom blogs simple! They also provide a directory of blogs, split up into categories, so people can find you easier.

#5. Ad Company Feature

Want to advertise for big brand name companies like Starbucks? Sign up now with LinkShare! It's so easy and there are thousands of popular companies to choose from, pick one... pick twenty!


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thoughtful Man

Thursday - 9.27.12 

Today I would like to reflect on a moment of thoughtfulness because I think we hear enough about all the jerks in the world. Today's thoughtful act was preformed by the Mad Hatter aka my hubby. As many of you know I'm pregnant with my third child, (my hubby's first) so I'm no newbie to pregnancy cravings and I try not to be too incredibly demanding about them when I have them.

A few days ago we were laying in bed watching TV, it was about 11:30 pm and I had remember a good friend of my mom's had advised me to try mint chip ice cream for the horrible nausea I have been experiencing at night. So I roll over to him with big eyes and fluttery eye lashes, he looks at me with that how much is this going to cost me look on his face and says "What do you want?" I softly reply "Mint chip ice cream." He looks at the clock and looks back at me grumbling "right now?" Before I reply I decided I don't need it right now, even though it would be nice, so I say "I guess not, but I heard it will help." He promises "I'll get you some for tomorrow night, ok?" I shrug my shoulders and figure he will forget.

The next night were laying in bed again, this time it's about 10:00 pm and I roll over, same big eyes and fluttering eye lashes, I say "Mint chip ice cream would be amazing right now." He replies "Oh good because I got you some! I'll go get you a bowl." I'm so mean, I reply with a surprisingly "You remembered?" He comes back in the room with a bowl of mint chip and says "Of course I remembered, I can't have mama going without her mint chip."

Sometimes the smallest things like remembering to do something someone asked you to do can really brighten someones day or night. So let all take this as a lesson to try to keep our promises.

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Candy Galaxy

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WW: Grandma's Garden

Wednesday - 9.19.2012 

Before my grandmother passed away last November I was thrilled to get to visit her one last time. While I was there (there being Oregon) I went into her garden and took pictures to remember her by. How sweet she was, how funny she was and mostly how lovely she was.





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Dresses from Shabby AppleDresses from Shabby AppleDresses from Shabby Apple

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mommy's Bath Time

Monday - 9.17.2012

What is it about taking a bath that is so amazingly relaxing? Is it the warm water, the silent sound of no kids, a time to your self or is it the bubbles? What ever it is that makes taking a bath so great, just getting to take one is that most amazing part of all. When your mom one of the first, yet simplest pleasures that seems to go right out the window, is getting to relax. Fixing food, taxing kids to school, kissing boo boos, relearning 5th grade math all over again just to help with homework, cleaning messes, listening to whining and the list just goes on and on and on and on... and yea you get the picture. We are busy!

I'm writing about this because for the first time in quite a few months I got to take a bath tonight. The kids were in bed, hubby was working in the garage, dinner dishes were done and I was left with a little alone time to relax. Amazing I know! So I took a :sink to your nose" bubble bath and it was simply lovely. But it got me thinking, I do not do enough relaxing things for myself, which is essential to being a sane mother.

I need to make this happen in my routine. Even if it's just 30 minutes a day of doing something that relaxing to me. Everyone is different so I'm curious, how do you relax?

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Best Friends Forever, so Cliché!

Saturday - September 15, 2012

I spent the day with my childhood best friend, the White Rabbit. I don't get to see her that often because even though we don't live far, we don't live in the same town. I had nothing planned today and the Mad Hatter was getting some over time in, so I loaded up the rug rats and went for a visit. This is the first time I've gotten to see her since she found out she was pregnant.

It's a dream come true that she's pregnant too! I'm still amazing that we get to do it together. This is my third baby and her second. So we never thought it would happen. Especially because a few months ago I found out I was pregnant, but then I miscarried. About a month later she found out she was pregnant, although I was thrilled for her, I felt slightly heartbroken that we could have been doing it together. Then I found out I was pregnant again and the first thing I thought was "Yeah! We get to be pregnant together!"

We've been friends a long time, since I was 11 and she was 12, that's almost 18 years. She's been there for me through thick and thin. Smacks me around when I need it, tells me what I need to hear whether I'll like it or not, and she just gets me. We can go weeks without talking and then when we do just pick up where we left off. We got in lots of trouble together as teens, so it's terribly funny to see us as mom's now. I was 18 when my first baby was born, she babysat for me, so I could work to support him. She was my maid of honor in 2 of my weddings (the two important ones). When her daughter was born, I ran in the room, ran straight to the baby, (because I didn't know she had the baby till the next day, I'm still bitter at her hubby for forgetting to call me!) I had to hold my new niece and then hugged & kissed my friend. She's more than a friend she's my sister.

She's exactly a month ahead of me in being pregnant, so we want to do pictures together when we're huge. I'm looking forward to it, not the being huge part, just having that memento of being pregnant at the same time. We laughed at the thought that if I'm two weeks early and she's two weeks late we could have our babies on the same day!

I love my sis. I'm so blessed to have her in my life and now doubly blessed to get to share this awesome experience with her.


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Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Fave #3

Friday - September 14, 2012

Friday's are for my favorite blogging things. This includes 1. my favorite blog this week, 2. my favorite post I read this week, 3. a feature from one of the Blog Hops I follow, 4. a description of one of the blogging directories I'm a part of and 5. a tip on one of the ad companies I use.

#1. My Favorite Blog

SooperDad Blog

SooperDad Blog of Awesomeness is freakin hilarious! It never fails that I will laugh till tears are falling uncontrollably from my eyeballs when I read his blog. He's one of my blogging buddies, I follow him on Facebook and really I just can't get enough. He's had one hell of ride thus far in life and still has such a great sense of humor (I can relate). So this one's for you Brent!

#2. My Favorite Post

It is all fun and games until you fall into a pile of ..
by Sorry kid, your mom doesn't play well with others

Okay so I'm riding the funny train today. This lady, oh this lady wrote this post about falling into a pile of... let me tell you she really highlights the truth of motherhood nasty little moment of revenge. I couldn't help but think to myself this is what your mother meant when she told you I can't wait till you have your own kids and they give you hell. This is one of those bitter sweet moments for mom, well mom of mom.

#3. Blog Hops & The Featured
The Naptime Review

This is not your ordinary blog hop, this is a link up for Facebook pages and Twitter. Naptime Review host this great hop so that us bloggers can continue to reach more potential reader on Facebook and Twitter. Great idea, so this is my thanks to her for hosting this great hop.

#4. Blog Directory

a mom blog community!

Bloggy Moms is a social media for mom blog! You get to have profile, people can like you and follow your feed. It's makes networking with other mom blogs simple! They provide tons of tips and hints on how to promote your blog to the fullest!

#5. Ad Company Feature

Dresses from Shabby Apple

I actually just join this affiliate company today, but I'm super excited! Shappy Apple's a company you make money from when someone buys one of there stinkin cute dresses from your link. Yea I think if I make any money from this site it will all be spent on the amazingly adorable clothes!

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