Sunday, October 28, 2012

Homemade to go smoothies & babyfood

Sunday - 10.28.12 

Being a mom (or dad) we want whats most healthy for our children, most convenient for us and most sparing on our wallets. I found the best of all three worlds when it comes to those "to go pouches" of smoothie goodness or baby food. I was buying those prepackage smoothies for the Dormouse, she loves them but I know they aren't filled with just fruits and veggies no matter how much they say all-natural on the packaging and at $1 (if I can find them on sale) a pouch they aren't exactly super cheap.

Amost of my readers know I'm pregnant again and that my hubby bought me the Vitamix blender. As much as I want to believe he bought it because I had been talking about wanting one for months or that it was my anniversary gift or because the guys at work convinced him of it's awesomeness. Although, those did all weigh in, the real selling point was that I could make real all-natural baby food at home and save him money in the long run! The March Hare begs me all the time to make smoothies, little does he know hes eating things like kale, spinach and broccoli in with those oranges, strawberries and bananas!

A couple days ago I was at Babies-R-Us and found reusable pouches and the system that fills them for twenty bucks, I thought I'll give them a try. Well yesterday I threw a couple bananas and a forth of a bag of frozen pineapple chucks (because that's all that was left) into the Vitamix and in less then a minute had a banana/pineapple smoothie (or baby food). It made eight - 4oz pouches, which are good in the freezer for up to 2 months. I printed labels off my computer and BAM!!! In 10 minutes I blended, packaged and cleaned up and REAL all-natural smoothies ready to go any time we are! I can't wait for the new baby to be old enough to eat baby food, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Do pregnancy hormones cause nightmares?

Monday - 10.15.12

 Do pregnancy hormones cause nightmares?

I know this is an odd question but has anyone else experienced this? Now I have very strange vivid dream regularly anyway and of course I always remember every little detail. My husband and mother are always telling me "You and your crazy dreams!" The last vivid dream I had was of my cousin and I doing a three legged race at Disneyland and my grandfather (who's been dead for ten years) waiting in line to get on a ride, I stopped and starred at him for a minute and then finally said "Aren't you dead?" as I skipped off with my cousin. I woke up laughing from that dream so confused and yet oddly excited to go to Disneyland with my cousin.

However, when I was pregnant with my daughter I had a horrible nightmare that my son who was 7 at the time was killed right in front of me.  I woke up crying and had to go check on him. I didn't think it had anything to do with being pregnant at the time, but here I am 13 weeks pregnant again and the nightmares are back at it. On a normal basis I do have vivid dreams, yes, but not nightmares about bad things happening to my kids. I have dumb nightmares about spiders, clowns and things happening to me, but not my kids.

So why is it only when I pregnant do I have nightmares about terrible things happening to my kids? Last night I woke sobbing hysterically and ran to check on my baby girl. I wont go into detail as it was pretty horrific but I had a very vivid dream that I walked in on the aftermath of my 3 year old little girl having been violated (to put it nicely). To make matters worse in my own natural fiery to someone hurting my baby, I found the perv and cut off his manhood. Pretty horrible right? It still has me all shook up.

This is not a very fun or upbeat moment for mommy I know, but I have to hear from other moms. Has this happened to you?  When your pregnant does it bring on nightmares? Please share!


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Moment for Mommy

Monday - 10.1.12

Three year already! My daughter turned three yesterday and although we don't make a big deal about birthday's in our family, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the last three years. Amazing how much has happened in here short three years. When I look at her and see features of her biological father, sperm donor, the Jabberywocky, I think to myself how did something so beautiful come from someone with such black heart?

She has turned into such a little person already. She talks better than most adults and has more street smarts than most too! Her favorite band is the Lumineers and of course her favorite song is by them too "Ho Hey". I turn them on and she goes crazy yelling "Ho Hey, Ho Hey, I want that song!" She's very dramatic and very much a princess. She always knows just what too say to get herself out of trouble and already knows just how to work people with a smile and batting her eyelashes. I have no idea where she has learned all those girly things... =) But she's very much a tom boy too just like me. She loves playing with trucks in the dirt. Running, jumping, swimming, bugs, animals and getting dirty are a few of her favorite things.

Being pregnant again I've been thinking a lot about how miserable being married to the Jabberywocky really was and how it caused my pregnancy with her to be equally as miserable. I'm not going to give to much attention to him as he doesn't deserve to even be mentioned but I'll give the short story. Our whole marriage he was cheating on me, my so-called friends at the time knew all along and said nothing. He had no job, weaseled his way into moving in with me, marrying me and driving (ultimately destroying) my truck and then would leave for days at a time, turning off his phone and having no explanation as to where he would had gone. Two weeks after my daughter was born I was finally informed he was sleeping with someone we hung out with, he moved in with her and started using her. Good riddance! He pays a measly $100 a month in child support that if it weren't for the state I wouldn't get at all and hasn't seen the Dormouse in 2 years. There that's the short story.

Because of all that none stop chaos this poor baby wanted to be born while I was only six months pregnant! Started having I wanna push contraction consequently every time he would leave. I was on bed rest for the last three months of the pregnancy. She was born only two weeks early thank goodness. I balled harder then a new born baby when they put her in my arms and saw how gorgeous she was. Nothing else mattered. I was a single mom of two and happy to have them. Both my kids keep me on earth and sometimes I forget that. They keep me sober, kind-hearted, peaceful and grounded. What I would do without them I just can't imagine. I would never trade even on the most crazy, insane day for not having them.

Everything became perfect though when my very good friend of 15 years asked to marry me and my kids. Now she has an awesome daddy who takes care of her every need. I'm so thankful I have her, my son, my amazing husband and my little bun in the oven!

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