Friday - 5.31.2013
Wow, I went from being on bed rest to absolute chaos! Yesterday I listed out all things we got going on and it's just madness. This week we got the tile for the front bathroom order, I primed the kitchen, all 4 bedrooms are painted, the carpet has been order and the cabinets. Things are moving along quickly thank goodness because come summertime I don't see when we will have time to work on the house. Every weekend for the next two months is piratically booked up! My biggest concern is the pond.
My parents put in a 6ft X 4ft X 2ft deep koi pond about 10 years ago. The funny part to this pond is for the longest time growing up it was just a deep hole in the ground that we had bond fires in! But now that I have children I worry about them falling in. We have decided to fill it in with pee gravel until it's only about 10 inches deep but I still want it fenced or netted. Has anyone ever used the pool tension netting? Is it strong? If someone falls onto it will it support the weight?
So many decisions to make! And then there's the moving part! Ugh I HATE moving! My mom is doing a garage sale this weekend, so I'm thinking of getting rid of stuff too. The only problem is it's at the new house, so I have to move it over there either way!
Well I hope you all had a great week! Here's my weekly mention about all the wonderful giveaways and blogger opps I am partisapating in. Make sure you subscribe to the right newsfeed to receive weekly updates, sign up for 1 or all 3:
Remember you can receive a complimentary vacation just for checking out my business opportunity! And as usual, my blogging buddies should go link up over on Tuesday's Tea Party or even better sign-up to co-host!
I joined up with Dawn's Disaster again for FTSF, check out how I finished the sentence. Then get over there and link up yourself! This week's sentence...
I joined up with Dawn's Disaster again for FTSF, check out how I finished the sentence. Then get over there and link up yourself! This week's sentence...
My favorite movie of all time... I'm really not sure why, but I love Big Fish. I laugh, I cry... I just love that the dad didn't want to see life as it really was, boring. He spiced up his life by elaborating the truth, which made life seem a little less dull. Sometime we all need a little spice in on life!
And I linked up with Lisa-Jo Barker for 5 Minute Friday. Again for this one she gives you a topic and you have to write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. So this weeks topic is...
A life without fear, without time limits and without death. A life where food doesn't harm us but heals us. A life where people and animals are peaceful with one another. Where money really doesn't matter, where people work together to build houses for one another, make meals for each other and truly love one another. A life where pollution, natural disasters, cancer and evil don't exists. A life where you loved ones never leave you and those that have come back. All in a world that is in perfect balance, not too hot, not too cold. Food, water and land for all. Greed gone, selfish ha! I believe this is how God intended life and I imagine this is how it will be when he carries out his purpose.
Ok I know she is mentioned above in the blog hops, but I really loved this post about getting comfortable when were in love. Let's face it all good relationship get this way and a fire needs to be lit from time to time to keep things fresh and alive. I love my husband to the moon and back but I will admit we're comfortable. Point and case, all the kids are sleeping and I'm blogging while he's playing video games. Sometimes at night after he's fallen asleep and I'm still wide awake I just stare at him. I just take in every aspect of his face, every line, every curve. I smell him, yes, I know that's weird, but I think he smells fantastic! I just like to relish in how deeply in love I am with him, so I never forget.
By Daisy Yellow
To homeschool or not to homeschool, that tis the question! Yes I'm pretty sure all mom's go through it, we know our children best, we don't want the bad influences they pick up from other kids and we just want to be with our kids more, well for like the first week. But even as a stay at home mom in this busy day n age, can we keep up. I like how this mom took a long truthful look at it and even though the answer wasn't what she planned, she excepted it and move to the next best option. Now it's my turn to decided!
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