Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 27 - Bun in the Oven (Photo Shoot!)

Saturday - 1.19.13

Development: This week, little PK weighs almost 2 pounds, like a head of cauliflower and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. The doc appointments are being scheduled every two weeks now till the end of the pregnancy, it's gettin' real folks!

Movement: Is there ever a time she's not moving?

Weight Gain: Doc said I have gained a whooping 7 pounds! But she said my belly measures fine so she's not worried about it. I guess that's good news!

Maternity Clothes: I decided to be a little more styling then yoga pants and buy a few pairs of bigger leggings. Watch out!

Best moment of my week: Getting together with a group of other mom friends and talking about our kiddo's!

Worst moment: Having my office chair almost kill me and leaving me all bruised up.

Sleep: I would be able to sleep perfectly if it weren't for the heartburn!

Miss Anything: Eating real sushi.

Food Cravings: Back to sweets. Brownies? Yes, please!

Symptoms:  Can you die from heartburn? I swear I am burning from the inside out!

Labor Signs: The contractions have let up a little bit, thank goodness. I go to see my main doc in two weeks and she'll decide if I need to be probed every two weeks (oh joy).

Mood: Working on being more positive!

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  1. Oh, MY goodness. Alice, you are seriously THE cutest/prettiest pregnant woman I've ever seen! The pictures are adorable & are leaving me with serious baby bump envy.
    I want to be pregnant, like NOW. Just for the cute bump. Lol.

    I totally feel you on the heartburn! I almost kissed my OB when he told me I could take TUMS in my last trimester of my third pregnancy!!

  2. Thank you so much for the sweet comment. I just found out I can take Zantec, so I think I'm gonna try that and see if it helps. Something has to help!
